Come LEAT® with us in the native city of Martijn Oost for 4 fun filled days of intensive learning and sharing experiences.
The training day will start at 09:00 sharp and after a day of intensive work, we finish around 17:00.
Make sure you enjoy the culinary and typical attractions of the big city life but be fresh in the morning to participate in our journey.
Monday 03-10-2022 - Thursday 06-10-2022
Included are: all materials, presentations, documentation, syllabus, coffee, tea, water and lunches and 1 dinner.
The session will be pact with LEAT goodies from our toolbox with new ways to bring management and teams together.
Learn in 4 fun filled days how to enable your teams and organisation to experience the new way of working – and the challenges it brings before implementing it. Now your people can solve potential issues together in safe simulations, rather than under pressure on the work floor. The ideal way to help people across the board adopt new behaviours and practices.
To make this training even more realistic and hands-on, we invite you to bring your own content and work on a dedicated challenge and workshop towards your own LEAT program. Feedback from the trainers and your peers will take your workshops to the next level.
All Inclusive Event
Four intensive days of LEAT
Four Day Play Amsterdam
10 - 25 participants
Early Bird! -
The full experience of the potential of LEAT®
Your own LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® set
Learn how to design your own tailor-made LEAT® elements
LEAT® Community Membership
Experience a full Agile WoW at scale framework in 4 cycles over 4 days
New techniques to increase creativity and engage Agile teams
New practices to change people’s mindset and behaviours
Learn the principles of LEAT to facilitate this experience in your organisation
Learn the principles of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY for effective tactile learning
Tailor-made LEAT program with at least 6 LEGO play elements, event design and event calendar
Your company-branded LEGO LEAT set (Optional)
Lifetime corporate membership in the LEAT community

Great format! The combination of experiential LEGO®, framework, fishbowl, sharing experiences and invitation for action during and after the session. Inspiration to create our own tailor-made training.

Peter Nicolas
Agile Coach